Daily Archives: May 6, 2004

4 posts

The Corporation — a must see

[ The buzz about the Sundance-award winning Canadian film, The Corporation, is pretty exciting. –BL ] May 6, 2004 | Chronicle of Higher Education (an excerpt) The Corporation (which opens June 4) is a sprawling screed with a jumpy visual style that grows irksome. At 145 minutes, this Canadian production is about 20 minutes shorter than the original director’s cut, but still seems overlong. Nevertheless, its argument for corporate responsibility and environmental sustainability has struck a chord with film-festival audiences, who have showered it with awards. The film, by Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott, and Joel Bakan, begins with a quick, clever […]

U.S. Assassinates Two Sheiks at Non-Violence Meeting in Hilla

[ From the article: The main goal of the meeting was to find ways of dealing with US occupation without resorting to violence, members of the human rights group say… A few months earlier, hawkish US Deputy Defence Secretary Paul Wolfowitz had visited the offices of the human rights organization to praise its efforts. –BL ] US forces take a cue from Saddam May 4, 2004 | The Inter Press News Service by Aaron Glantz NAJAF: Dozens of followers of Shia leader Muqtada al-Sadr sing rhymes of martyrdom as they carry the coffins of two of their slain comrades into […]

Disney Forbidding Distribution of Film That Criticizes Bush

May 5, 2004 | New York Times by JIM RUTENBERG WASHINGTON, May 4 — The Walt Disney Company is blocking its Miramax division from distributing a new documentary by Michael Moore that harshly criticizes President Bush, executives at both Disney and Miramax said Tuesday. The film, “Fahrenheit 911,” links Mr. Bush and prominent Saudis — including the family of Osama bin Laden — and criticizes Mr. Bush’s actions before and after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Reaping What We Have Sown

[ This is a nice re-cap of the story about how the U.S. aided in the creation of al Qaeda. –BL ] May 4, 2004 | AlterNet.org by David Morris Who is behind global Islamic terrorism? A new book by Mahmood Mamdani, Good Muslim, Bad Muslim, makes a persuasive case that the guilty party is the United States. For Mamdani, director of the Institute of African Studies at Columbia University, the seeds of 2004 were planted in 1979. To be more precise, in July 1979, when Jimmy Carter, smarting from US setbacks in Vietnam, Iran and Nicaragua, decided to fight […]