May 25, 2004 | Over the last month, President Bush has repeatedly recounted how he was inspired by "the courage of the firefighters and the police"1 in the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attacks. He recounted how, when standing atop a pile of rubble at Ground Zero, he was told by a firefighter, "Don't let me down."2 But more than two years later, he continues to ignore the needs of firefighters and police officers who are now suffering adverse health effects from their rescue efforts at Ground Zero. The situation has reached a head: yesterday, 1,700 cops and […]
Daily Archives: May 25, 2004
[ This follows-up a number of stories, especially one entitled, “Lawyers try to gag FBI worker over 9/11.” –BL ] 21 May 2004 | DemocracyNow! In Washington, the Justice Department has taken the unusual step of retroactively classifying information it gave to Congress in open session two years ago pertaining to the case of Sibel Edmonds. Edmonds is the former FBI translator who has charged on Democracy Now and other news programs that the FBI had information before Sept. 11 that indicated an Al Qaida attack was imminent. FBI officials gave Senate staffers two briefings in 2002 concerning Edmonds. Now they […]
24 May 2004 | DemocracyNow! DIA: INC Used By Iranian Intelligence For Years Newsday is reporting that The Defense Intelligence Agency has concluded that the U.S.-funded Iraqi National Congress led by Ahmad Chalabi has been used for years by Iranian intelligence to pass disinformation to the United States. One intelligence source told Newsday “Iranian intelligence has been manipulating the United States through Chalabi by furnishing through his Information Collection Program information to provoke the United States into getting rid of Saddam Hussein.” Patrick Lang, the former head of DIA operations in the Middle East, described what Iran did as “one […]
[ This follows-up some earlier stories. –BL ] 24 May 2004 | DemocracyNow! Staff Sgt. Camilo Mejia was sentenced to one year in prison Friday after a military jury convicted him on charges of desertion after he refused to return to fight in Iraq. Meija returned from Iraq in October on leave and then went into hiding. He gave himself up in March announcing that he didn’t want to fight in an “oil-driven war.” He also said that he witnessed the torture and abuse of Iraqi prisoners.
[ Joe Bageant provides an informative and chilling glimpse into the minds of the underestimated American Christian fundamentalists scarcely understood by most intellectual lefties influenced by the likes of Chomsky and Zinn. –BL ] 18 May 2004 | by Joe Bageant Not long ago I pulled my car up alongside a tiny wooden church in the woods, a stark white frame box my family built in 1840. And as always, an honest-to-god chill went through me, for the ancestral ghosts presumably hovering over the graves there. From the wide open front door the Pentecostal preacher?s message echoed from within the […]
26 Jan. 2004 | Current Concerns (English edition of Zeit Fragen) by F. William Engdahl Today, much of the world is convinced the Bush Administration did not wage war against Iraq and Saddam Hussein because of threat from weapons of mass destruction, nor from terror dangers. Still a puzzle, however, is why Washington would risk so much in terms of relations with its allies and the entire world, to occupy Iraq. There is compelling evidence that oil and geopolitics lie at the heart of the still-hidden reasons for the military action in Iraq. It is increasingly clear that the US […]