Daily Archives: January 21, 2004

5 posts

Bush Motivates Voter Turnout

by Brendan Lalor, thereitis.orgIf Iowa is an indication of voter turnout to come, it's worth noting that Democrats are coming out in droves by historical standards. According to the Des Moines Register, “More than 122,000 Democrats attended caucuses Monday, of which roughly 45 percent were first-time participants, according to entrance polls.” Compare that to the mere 61,000 caucusers who turned out in 2000!There should be no mystery why we're seeing the leap in civic engagement. We finally have something for which we can thank Acting President George W. Bush. (I know, I'm grasping a little.) He has activated Dems (Independents, Greens, […]

Ashcroft’s Attack On Greenpeace

John Passacantando, AlterNet | October 30, 2003 http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=17073 Yesterday the Greenpeace ship MV Esperanza arrived in Miami. However, rather than pulling into port, as Greenpeace ships do throughout the world, she will remain at anchor. The Port of Miami has refused us entry because John Ashcroft's Justice Department is prosecuting us for a protest action last year. The prosecution is unprecedented. Never before in U.S. history has an entire organization been prosecuted for a peaceful protest by its supporters.

Winning the Election … Racism, Theft and Fraud in Florida

[ As the presidential election approaches, it's worth remembering what happened last time. This is a nice piece on an issue which we have been too willing to forget: How cheating illegitimately landed George W. Bush a job as Acting President. Liam Scheff here interviews Greg Palast, author of the acclaimed The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. WARNING: The content of this interview may shock some, but it is pretty widely known in other parts of the developed world, and was even given brief (if late) treatment by some mainstream U.S. media, including the Washington Post. For a nice example of […]

The Screwing of Cynthia McKinney

[ Cynthia McKinney (former Congresswoman from Georgia) belongs back in Congress, after being run out by the Bushies in retribution for her attempts to pry the cover off electoral fraud in Florida. — doclalor ] Greg Palast, AlterNet | http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=16172 June 13, 2003 Have you heard about Cynthia McKinney, former U.S. Congresswoman? According to those quoted on National Public Radio, McKinney’s “a loose cannon” (media expert) who “the people of Atlanta are embarrassed and disgusted” (politician) by, and she is also “loony” and “dangerous” (senator from her own party). Yow! And why is McKinney dangerous/loony/disgusting? According to NPR, “McKinney implied […]

Bush’s Defiant State of the Union

01/21/2004 @ 12:34am | from David Corn's “Capitol Games” section of The Nation http://www.thenation.com/capitalgames/index.mhtml?bid=3&pid=1198 “No one can now doubt the word of America.” That's what George W. Bush told the United States and the world public in his State of the Union address this evening. He was referring to the war in Iraq, which he defended vigorously in the speech. But this remark made it seem he was oblivious to the fact that many people around the globe believe that the war in Iraq demonstrated that Bush's word is worth nothing.