Daily Archives: April 22, 2004

2 posts

Russia revels in US’s woes

[ From the article below: The political calculation by President George W Bush is that, even if the disgruntled families of the 20,000 troops affected immediately – one in every seven in Iraq – vote against him later this year in the presidential elections, that will still add up to fewer votes against him than if he adds 20,000 new troops who begin to suffer casualties. The piece mainly addresses the effect of the regional instability that would be caused if the U.S. abandons Iraq on Russia’s economic (and other) interests. –BL ] DANCES WITH BEARS: Russia revels in US’s woes […]

Amnesty International Welcomes Geneva Decision on Corporate Responsibility; Bush Administration Criticized for Opposition to Accountability for Businesses

Apr 20, 2004, U.S. Newswire NEW YORK, April 20 — Amnesty International today welcomed the decision by governments meeting at the UN Commission on Human Rights in Geneva to confirm the importance that the Commission assigns to companies’ responsibilities in relation to human rights. The Commission adopted a resolution on the UN Norms for Business, which clarify the obligations and responsibilities of businesses with regard to human rights. Amnesty International noted that this decision to adopt the resolution was made in the face of sustained opposition from the Bush Administration. “Amnesty International USA welcomes the adoption today, despite intense US […]