August 16, 2004 | Capital Times [Madison] by Dave Zweifel Thanks to years of propaganda from the giant corporations with a vested interest in the U.S. health system, Americans have a somewhat jaundiced view of Canada’s national health insurance program. We’re told that Canadians have to wait for simple procedures and that there are huge waiting lines for surgery. Doctors aren’t compensated adequately. We’ve been told that so often that we think it’s true. Almost all of it, however, is false. The Canadian plan sometimes is short of money as government there, like here, is constantly under pressure to make […]
Daily Archives: August 20, 2004
2 posts
[ Once again, Bush appointees’ policy shows a lack of precaution when industry profits are at stake. –BL ] 7 August 2004 | British Medical Journal by Jeanne Lenzer New York – Internal memos and a secret government report about the negative effects of antidepressants in children’suppressed by the US Food and Drug Administration?have surfaced publicly.