Daily Archives: August 27, 2004

8 posts

Pinochet Stripped of Immunity

27 August 2004 | DemocracyNow! For the first time, former Chilean dictator Augosto Pinochet could be brought to trial for the death of thousands of people in 1970s. Chile’s Supreme Court yesterday stripped Pinochet of immunity from prosecution. More than 3,000 people were killed for political reasons under Pinochet’s rule after he led a bloody coup overthrowing democratically-elected president Salvador Allende.

Abu Ghraib Report Faults Rumsfeld For Iraq Plans

25 August 2004 | DemocracyNow! Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld came under intense criticism yesterday by a panel he appointed to review the abuse and torture that took place at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. The four-member panel headed by former defense secretary James Schlesinger faulted Rumsfeld’s leadership, his battle plan to invade Iraq and his failure to develop plans for a postwar Iraq. The panel revealed that the Pentagon is now investigating 300 incidents of prison abuse — three times as many cases as previously known. At least five prisoners have died from abuse during interrogations and another 23 […]

Army Report on Prisoner Abuse Admits Torture, Faults Pentagon and CIA

U.S. General Admits Iraqis Were Tortured At Abu Ghraib 26 August 2004 | DemocracyNow! For the first time, a U.S. Army general has admitted that U.S. forces tortured Iraqis at the Abu Ghraib prison Army Major General George Fay told a Pentagon briefing on Wednesday “It’s a harsh word, and in some instances, unfortunately, I think it was appropriate here. There were a few instances where torture was being used.” Yesterday Fay and Lt. Gen. Anthony Jones released a 143-page report that found military intelligence soldiers played a major role in directing and carrying out the abuse on Iraqis. The […]

Bush Admits Iraq ‘Miscalculations’; Equivocates on Giving “Timelines to Dictators”

[ Robert Lee, who forwarded this article, reflects: How’s this for Doublespeak? [Bush] says the American people won’t see him change positions, but towards the end of the article he says of N. Korea and Iran, “I don’t think you give timelines to dictators.” Maybe I’m crazy, but I remember a strict timeline for the dictator that actually didn’t pose a threat. –BL ]26 August 2004 | Reuters NEW YORK – President Bush acknowledged for the first time on Thursday that he had miscalculated post-war conditions in Iraq, the New York Times reported.

Coalition of the Coerced: America?s allies rethink their Iraq commitment

excerpted from August 30, 2004 | The American Conservative by Eric S. Margolis …. President George W. Bush’s crusade against Iraq … managed to convoke only an embarrassingly skimpy assemblage of vassal states, but the invasion proved a smashing military success, if a subsequent disaster. Now, over a year later, many of America’s 32 allies, tributaries, supplicants, and camp followers that sent a total of 22,000 troops to Iraq are wishing they had never become involved and are seeking escape or giving thanks they are well out of the growing carnage in Mesopotamia.

Public Remains Poorly Informed On Reasons for War

26 August 2004 | Editor and Publisher New poll raises old question: Has the press done enough or is there only so much it can do? by Greg Mitchell Shortly after the U.S. attack on Iraq last year, reputable polls showed that vast numbers of Americans were woefully uninformed or misinformed about certain key issues relating to the war. These were not minor matters, but cut to the heart of the stated reasons for the war: that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMD), had strong links to al Qaeda, and/or might have had something to do with 9/11. One […]

Ranks of Poverty, Uninsured Rose in 2003

August 26, 2004 | Associated Press by GENARO C. ARMAS WASHINGTON – The number of Americans living in poverty increased by 1.3 million last year, while the ranks of the uninsured swelled by 1.4 million, the Census Bureau reported Thursday. It was the third straight annual increase for both categories. While not unexpected, it was a double dose of bad economic news during a tight re-election campaign for President Bush.