Daily Archives: September 29, 2004

2 posts

The war’s littlest victim

[ Thanks to Bob Lee for spotting this piece. –BL ] Keywords: depleted uranium September 29, 2004 | New York Daily News In early September 2003, Army National Guard Spec. Gerard Darren Matthew was sent home from Iraq, stricken by a sudden illness. One side of Matthew’s face would swell up each morning. He had constant migraine headaches, blurred vision, blackouts and a burning sensation whenever he urinated. The Army transferred him to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington for further tests, but doctors there could not explain what was wrong. Shortly after his return, his wife, Janice, became pregnant. […]

U.S. casualties grim cost of Iraq war; Human tragedies take toll on medics

26 Sept 2004 | Toronto Star by SANDRO CONTENTA LANDSTUHL, Germany?At the U.S. military hospital on a wooded hilltop here, the cost of the Iraq war is measured in amputated limbs, burst eyeballs, shrapnel-torn bodies and shattered lives. They’re the seriously wounded U.S. soldiers who arrive daily at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, a growing human toll that belies American election talk of improving times in Iraq. They’re the maimed and the scarred that hospital staff believe are largely invisible to an American public ignorant of their suffering. “They have no idea what’s going on here, none whatsoever,” says Col. […]