Daily Archives: November 26, 2004

2 posts

Four New Senators Aid Exxon’s, BP’s Alaska Hopes

[ If Republicans muster the 60 votes required to kill a filibuster, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge might be plundered for oil — enough to supply the U.S. with a mere 10-month supply … 10 more months the U.S. can keep its head in the ground, ignoring the need to come up with a serious energy policy to mitigate coming crises. –BL ] Nov. 22, 2004 | Bloomberg Exxon Mobil Corp., BP Plc and ConocoPhillips are among companies poised to realize a decades-old dream of drilling in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, thanks to Republican gains in this month’s U.S. Senate […]

The Urban Values Strategy for Progressives

[ This thought-provoking position paper defends a strategy based on urban values, even if it is, as Bob Lee points out, a little mean. Thanks to Bob for passing this article along. –BL ] THE URBAN ARCHIPELAGO 17 Nov. 2004 | The Stranger [ Seattle ] by The Editors of The Stranger It’s the Cities, Stupid. There are two maps on this page. The one at the top should be familiar. It’s one of those red-state/blue-state maps that have been tormenting Democrats, liberals, and progressives since November of 2000. Over the 36 days that George W. Bush and Al Gore fought […]