Report Shows Cheney Went Abroad to Attack America

16 Sept. 2004 |

Vice President Cheney has regularly attacked the national security credentials of Sen. John Kerry (D-MA), calling him weak on terrorism. But according to a new report, it was Cheney who actually did business with terrorist countries and traveled abroad to attack America’s counter-terrorism efforts in the 1990s.

As The American Prospect documents, Cheney oversaw Halliburton’s effort to do business with Iraq and Iran in the 1990s, despite American sanctions against those countries. During his time as CEO, he oversaw Halliburton’s $73 million worth of business with Saddam Hussein.1 This, despite his claim that he had imposed a “firm policy”2 of not doing business with Iraq. Similarly, details of Halliburton’s Iran business during Cheney’s tenure was so egregious, it is being investigated by authorities today.3 Halliburton today admits one of its subsidiaries still “performs between $30 [million] and $40 million annually in oilfield service work in Iran.”4

On top of evading U.S. sanctions laws against terrorist countries, Cheney actually attacked the U.S. government in a series of trips abroad, demanding sanctions be lifted on terrorist countries so he could do business with them. In trips to Malaysia and Canada, for instance, he insisted the Clinton administration lift sanctions on Iran, despite that country being listed by the U.S. State Department as a state-sponsor of terrorism.5

You can see the full American Prospect piece at


  1. The Greed Factor,” The American Prospect, 9/15/04.
  2. Firm’s Iraq Deals Greater Than Cheney Has Said,” Washington Post, 6/23/01.
  3. Halliburton probed over Iran ties,”, 7/20/04.
  4. Halliburton’s Work in Iran Stirs Democrats,” Washington Post, 7/21/04.
  5. Overview of State-Sponsored Terrorism, U.S. Department of State, 4/30/01.

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